Monday, June 18, 2012

A New Chapter

As happens every few years, I have been seized by the poetry muse. And so begins a new chapter. I'm happy as can be to be writing poems good and bad. Much gratitude to those people in my life who support me in this activity, along with my genes, which would predict that I'd be doing this. The poems have started to surprise me because the subjects are things I'd never have imagined would inspire me, like the following offering. Written today, it is the second poem I'm sharing in this space. Thanks in advance for reading it. xR

Breaking Training
With Gratitude to Julianne of Norwich,
Christian mystic, died c. 1416

I let myself believe
that all is well, and
all is well, and all
manner of thing
shall be well.
How contrary to
my upbringing,
this notion is,
as if to see
this troubled
world and feel
around inside it
for the healing,
is to be
boring, vapid,
born without
imagination, or,
worse yet,
a traitor to
my ancestors.
But I take comfort
in the certainty
that we mystics
have no need of
adjectives, and that my
Sister Julianne
would recognize me
not as Jewish mystic
but as a fellow celebrant
at the dawning of the day.


  1. I love this invitation to envision a rich, intelligent, stimulating and alive and healing (and looking nothing like denial or unfounded optimism).

    1. Yeah?! I said that?! Wow. I did! Thank you, Tzivia! I love how you see into things.
